My Favorite Pranks
I enlisted the help of friends to help me with this post about My Favorite Pranks, which should probably be entitled:
Our Favorite Pranks ...
When I asked for friends to recount their favorite pranks, David Warren shared this childhood memory:
"When we were kids, and even now as adults, my brother would approach me while I was using a urinal. He would then grab my shoulders and shake vigorously while yelling "Earthquake"! Terrible, I know. And even though I was the victim, I still think it is hilarious. I've gotten him back once or twice. Now, any time we go into a public bathroom together, both of us are still on guard."
Dodie Julian remembered this:
"Many years ago while sitting in church by my sister Dusti, I took my right hand and used my thumb, point finger, ring finger and pinky as 4 legs. Then my middle finger was the head like a dog, I then had this creation slowly walk up to Dusti's hand. My middle finger sniffed her hand and then I hiked up my pinky, as if to pee on her. We LAUGHED so HARD!! We were yelled at by my father all of the way home. From then on we could not sit by each other. LOL LOL LOL"
Last year someone claimed that the Bible "proved" the Rapture would be on a certain day, even though Jesus said in the Bible that no one knows the day nor the hour. (Why do people who "predict" the day of the Rapture never read that verse? Anyway, ...) The morning of that day, my friend Daniel's wife Gina woke up before him and placed her pajamas on the bed as if she were sleeping in them, but got Raptured out of them. Daniel woke up to find his wife's pajamas lying there like that. And then, while he was still perplexed, Gina jumped out of the closest laughing! Best Wrongly-Predicted Rapture Date Prank Ever!
No translation needed,
this is the universal language of pranking ...
Sound Advice:
Please don't repeat what you heard said
in the previous video to any of your German friends.
My favorite prank?
I'm glad you asked. It went a little something like this ...
My sister-in-law Sharon wanted a certain kind of fancy towels for Christmas, so I bought her that certain kind of fancy towels. Which is fine. I love knowing I'm giving the right gift. But I don't like the receiver already knowing what I'm giving, so I put broken bottles inside a box and put that box inside the gift box with the towels. Then when I dropped off my presents for my brother and his family, I put Sharon's gift on top. She was on the phone as I walked in. She said into the phone: "Dean's here; and he brought presents." I then "accidentally" dropped the top box onto the floor which made a loud broken-glass crash. Still giving the play-by-play into the phone, she said: "He dropped one." I picked it up and shook it, so she could hear the broken glass. She said: "He broke it." With an apologetic look on my face, I showed her the label. She blurted into the phone: "And it was mine!" I said, "I'm sorry, Sharon. It was on sale. I can't return it."
May be PG-13, but this one's fun
and not nearly as naughty as it looks ...
and not nearly as naughty as it looks ...
My secret favorite prank ....
I used to have two pairs of shorts that looked alike. When a woman visiting me went to the bathroom, I took out the pair of shorts that resembled the pair I wore and placed those on top of my dresser along with a pair of underwear and the shirt that I was wearing. (I took off my shirt, but kept on my shorts.) I got in bed and got under the sheets up to my mid-torso. She returned, saw me under the sheets, and saw my "clothes" on the nearby dresser.
PLEASE NOTE: This blog does not condone mistreating anyone or their property. Like Jesus says: "Treat others the way you want to be treated."
COMING FRIDAY August 10: Some of My Favorite Steve Martin Jokes
COMING THURSDAY August 16: My Favorite Elvis Songs
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